
䷂ introduction

This is unit interval democracy, a way to build policies that uses a voting system designed to minimize loss of voter sentiment. It can be used for many different things, but we propose a project here to use direct democracy to write a constitution to make the world safe for direct democracy. To participate you need a public/private key pair (see below).

For those interested, the underlying technology is a Merkle DAG managed by git.

䷌ voting

A voter compares a set of options out of which one (or more) can prevail. The voter is free to consider any or all of the options. To “consider” an option is to cast a vote for it in the unit interval. The options are then ordered by each one's final value (f), and the highest options prevail.


Notice that any particular voter can vote multiple times. The only vote that matters is the last.

䷼ a public/private key pair?

To do anything useful here, you need a public/private key pair.

If you're already set up with a key pair, just click or tap below, or drag & drop the private key file anywhere on the page. You then can consider open comparisons. If not, read on.

To try this demo you can download a shared private key (which of course is not really private). Its public key has already been accepted, but only for the demo.

A key pair can be created easily with a single click in setup below. The two keys are created on your local machine with the Web Crypto JavaScript API, not on a server, so no server operator can grab and store your private key. After the keys are created, save the two key files someplace safe. The private key needs to be loaded any time you do something, and the public key needs to be accepted by us as representing you.

Guard your private key! It says you're you. If you lose it you can never get it back, and if someone else gets it they can pretend to be you. It's a good idea to keep it on an encrypted partition or password protect it. If you lose it or it gets compromised, you'll need to create a new key pair and re-authenticate with us.

How do you authenticate with us? Simple! Put your public key (NOT your private key!!!) somewhere publicly accessible through https —or perhaps (suboptimally) send us the file— and then convince us somehow that the secure URL or file represents you.

⚒ setup
create new key pair save private key... save public key... password-protect a saved private key
⚙ settings

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䷢ contact us
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